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Commonly Asked Questions

Activities Information: This information can be found on the Ranger’s website ( On this website, you will find schedule information, dates, fees and directions to away events. You must sign-up for all school sports online.

Announcements: Announcements are made during Advisory and are the primary source of information on activities and/or other announcements that affect their school life. Other announcements may be made to classes over the P.A. system, if necessary, at the end of the school day.


r via email every Friday highlighting various announcements and events happening within the district and school. If you would like to sign-up for Forest Lake Area Middle School's e-News, please go to and to scroll down to Middle School Announcements and click on Sign up.


Health Concerns: Medications are distributed through the Health Office at the middle school. Policy requires parents to bring all medication to school. Please call 982-3009 if you have any questions.

Internet Use: Just a reminder that parents are no longer required sending in a permission slip for Internet use. Instead, parents need to contact the school (Mr. Miller) if they wish their son or daughter to be excluded from Internet use.

Late to School: The school day begins at 7:35 am.  If students arrive after that time, they need to go to the Main office and sign-in for a pass to class.

Lunch Money: Students are notified by the cashiers in the cafeteria when their account balance is $5.00 or less. Questions may be directed to the Supervisor of Food Services at 982-3028.

Parents who drive their student to school: Parents should drop off and pick-up students in the front of the building. There is a lot of bus traffic before and after school, so your patience is appreciated.

Requesting Homework: Teacher’s websites should be updated weekly. Any assignment that is handed out to students will be posted on the teacher’s website. If a student is absent, any missing assignment should be downloaded from the teacher’s website. The middle school office will no longer coordinate and put together missing assignments for students.

School Rules/Policies: Students were given a copy of the district Code of Conduct at the beginning of the year. Students and advisory teachers have already gone over these policies during their advisory time at the beginning of the year.

StudentVUE/ParentVUE: StudentVUE / ParentVUE is an outstanding electronic tool to monitor your student’s school information. ParentVUE includes everything from grades, report cards, transcripts, State and District test scores, attendance and disciplinary information can be found on this site in addition to being able to pay for a sport and/or activity. StudentVUE allows students to view their grades and report cards, as well as missing work within classes. To sign-up for StudentVUE/ParentVUE, please email Kristi Guttormson at indicating your name and that you would like your Activation Code, as well as your student’s name and grade. You will then receive an email containing your activation key and instructions to help set-up your account. If you have further questions, please contact Kristi Guttormson in the Principal’s Office at 982-3100.

Start times and bus schedules: Buses arrive at between 7:25 and 7:35 a.m. The day starts at 7:35 a.m. and 7th period is over at 2:13. If you experience any difficulties with bus transportation, please call Transportation at 982-8190.

Students leaving school early: Students leaving school early should bring a note from their Parent/Guardian stating where they are going and what time they need to be dismissed. They should bring the note to the Attendance Office to receive a pass to leave early. You may also call the office to make arrangements.

Vacation policy: Hopefully, vacations won’t be scheduled during school time. But if there isn’t an alternative, students are to bring a note to the attendance secretary in the office. They will be given a form that is to be carried around to each of their teachers, who will note homework assignments and procedures for making up missed work.

Visiting Forest Lake Area Middle School: Parents are always welcome. It does help if you arrange for your visit ahead of time by simply calling the school: 982-3100. Remember, only the front entrance (Door #1) will be accessible during the day. Please sign-in at the Main office. Students will not be allowed to have an outside visitor travel with them during the school day.